This will be a short post about a recent finding: AzureAD Conditional Access policies created from template may miss from your backups if not using Graph API beta endpoint. TL;DR– When you create a Conditional Access policy using the “New policy from template (Preview)” button, the policy will not show when querying policies using the […]
Conditional Access policies – do you backup them ALL?
Intune App configuration policy – Edge/Chrome URLBlocklist on Android: ‘Expected list value’ error

It’s funny when you are planning to post about a topic, then you encounter an error and then publish about the error instead. This was the case when I was comparing the app configuration policies for Edge and Chrome and came to the ‘Expected list value’ issue when trying to set up the URLBlocklist (sidenote […]
Nextcloud with AzureAD Application Proxy
There are certain scenarios where Microsoft’s OneDrive/SharePoint solution is not an option for storing data (eg. data localization restrictions enforced by law). However, if you still want to provide your users with the file sync experience and/or other collaboration features you may have came across Owncloud or Nextcloud as an alternative. But have you considered […]