Reporting on Entra Application Proxy published applications – Graph PowerShell

I thought it will be a quick Google search to find a PowerShell script that will give a report on applications published via Entra application proxy, but I found only scripts (link1, link2, link3) using the AzureAD PowerShell module – so I decided to write a new version using Graph PowerShell.

The script:

#Requires Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Applications

$AppProxyConnectorGroups = Get-MgBetaOnPremisePublishingProfileConnectorGroup -OnPremisesPublishingProfileId applicationproxy

$AppProxyPublishedApps = foreach ($connector in $AppProxyConnectorGroups){
Get-MgBetaOnPremisePublishingProfileConnectorGroupApplication -connectorgroupid $ -OnPremisesPublishingProfileId applicationproxy | % {
    $onpremisesPublishingInfo = (Get-MgBetaApplication -applicationID $ -Property onpremisespublishing).onpremisespublishing
        DisplayName = $_.DisplayName
        Id = $
        AppId = $_.appid
        ExternalURL = $onpremisesPublishingInfo.ExternalURL
        InternalURL = $onpremisesPublishingInfo.InternalURL
        ConnectorGroupName = $
        ConnectorGroupId = $



Some story

Entra portal is still using the endpoint to display the connector groups:

So the next step was to figure out if there are some Graph API equivalents. Google search: graph connectorgroups led me to this page:
From this point it was “easy” to follow the logic of previously linked scripts and “translate” AzureAD PowerShell commands to Graph PS.

Note: as per the documentation, Directory.ReadWrite.All permission is required and only delegated permissions work.

As an alternative, I share the original script that did not use these commands from Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Applications


$AppProxyConnectorGroups = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri '' -Method GET

$AppProxyPublishedApps = foreach ($connector in $AppProxyConnectorGroups.value){
  $publishedApps =  Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri "$($" -Method GET
  foreach ($app in $publishedApps.value){
    DisplayName = $app.DisplayName
    id = $
    appId = $app.appId
    ConnectorGroupName = $
    ConnectorGroupID = $

$AppProxyReport = foreach ($publishedApp in $AppProxyPublishedApps){
    $onpremisesPublishingInfo = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri "$($`$select=onpremisespublishing" -Method GET
        DisplayName = $publishedApp.DisplayName
        id = $
        appid = $publishedApp.appId
        ConnectorGroupName = $publishedApp.ConnectorGroupName
        ConnectorGroupID = $publishedApp.ConnectorGroupID
        ExternalURL = $onpremisesPublishingInfo.onPremisesPublishing.externalUrl
        InternalURL = $onpremisesPublishingInfo.onPremisesPublishing.internalUrl
        externalAuthenticationType = $onpremisesPublishingInfo.onPremisesPublishing.externalAuthenticationType

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