All posts in category GraphAPI

Find clients authenticating from unassigned AD subnets – using Defeder for Identity

Housekeeping with Defender for Identity – finding unassinged AD subnets using the IdentityLogonEvents table

Tracking Microsoft Secure Score changes

Microsoft Secure Score is a useful feature in the Defender portal, but I missed the alerting option.

Entra Workload Identities – Trusted Certificate Authorities (public preview)

In the November 2023 – What’s New in Microsoft Entra Identity & Security w/ Microsoft Security CxE identity episode, a public preview feature of Entra Workload ID premium license was presented (link) which was actually announced on November 9th (link). I really love the idea of restricting application key credentials to a predefined list of […]

Query Windows Hello for Business registrations and usage

So recently I was planning on requiring authentication stenghts in a Conditional Access policy – more precisely requiring Windows Hello for Business – when I realized that I’m not 100% sure that every user will meet this requirement. I wanted to make sure everybody has WHfB enrollment and that it is actively in use – […]

Fighting AzureAD App registration client secrets – step2: limiting app password lifetime

Disclaimer: the following configurations require Microsoft Entra Workload Identities Premium licence (link) In my previous post, I highlighted the risks of using password credentials for apps and how to spot client secret usage for service principals. This post will focus on limiting password lifetime for apps (scoped to tenant or specific application level) which can […]

Fighting AzureAD App registration client secrets – step1: reviewing client secret usage

Workload identity (including service principals) security keeps bugging me, especially the password credentials (aka client secret). I’m sure there are scenarios where this is the only option, but I see environments where these are used just because it is easier to implement. And one day I woke up and realized how dangerous it can be […]

AzureAD App registrations – the “application” permission + credentials combination security nightmare

When talking about Azure AD security, we tend to put less focus on service principals/app registrations*. But when we take into consideration that these principals can have assigned API permissions and “static” credentials (certificate or password) and that these credentials in the wrong hands can cause serious damage, we may change our attitude.* While “App […]

SharePoint Online external file sharing report using Graph API and PowerShell

The story in short: one of my customers asked me if it is possible to generate a report on all content in Office365 shared externally. Doing some searches I found the following solutions:– Run the sharing reports on each site and each OneDrive (link, link)– Run reports based on audit logs (link) While these reports […]

Conditional Access policies – do you backup them ALL?

This will be a short post about a recent finding: AzureAD Conditional Access policies created from template may miss from your backups if not using Graph API beta endpoint. TL;DR– When you create a Conditional Access policy using the “New policy from template (Preview)” button, the policy will not show when querying policies using the […]

Monitor AzureAD App registration expiration with PowerShell (GraphAPI)

There are several methods for monitoring Azure AD App registration expiration (like PowerAutomate or Azure Logic Apps) but these methods require extra licences or an Azure subscription. The PowerShell way is free and it only requires a new registration in AzureAD. TL;DR The script: