All posts in category Intune

Edge Drop vs. SharePoint’s access control policy for unmanaged devices

The Edge Drop is a really wonderful feature, but my inner data protection officer was bugging me to investigate if it is safe in an enterprise (or SMB) environment. There are several options to protect corporate data (labels, App Protection Policy, DLP policies, etc.) but not every business is lucky enough to afford the required […]

Intune App configuration policy – Edge/Chrome URLBlocklist on Android: ‘Expected list value’ error

It’s funny when you are planning to post about a topic, then you encounter an error and then publish about the error instead. This was the case when I was comparing the app configuration policies for Edge and Chrome and came to the ‘Expected list value’ issue when trying to set up the URLBlocklist (sidenote […]

Restore deleted private Android application in Intune

This blogpost will describe the steps to restore a deleted Android private application in Intune. TL;DR:1. Login to In Admin Settings, find your Organization ID and search by this ID on top of the page3. Click on the desired application and Approve it4. Intune – Apps – All apps – Add – Managed Google […]