All posts in category AzureAD

How much time your users are wasting with “traditional” MFA?

Recently, I came across a post on LinkedIn which demonstrated that Passkey authentication is way faster than traditional Password+MFA notification login. It made me curious: how much time does it exactly take to do MFA? TL;DR– This report uses the SignInLogs table which needs to be configured in Diagnostic settings– Unfortunately I did not manage […]

Reporting on Entra Application Proxy published applications – Graph PowerShell

I thought it will be a quick Google search to find a PowerShell script that will give a report on applications published via Entra application proxy, but I found only scripts (link1, link2, link3) using the AzureAD PowerShell module – so I decided to write a new version using Graph PowerShell. The script: Some story […]

Playing with Microsoft Passport Key Storage Provider – protect user VPN certificates with Windows Hello for Business?

I’m really into this Windows Hello for Business topic… Recently, I was going through the “RDP with WHfB” guide from MS Learn (link) which gave me an idea: can this method be used to protect user VPN certificates? The short answer is: yes, but no 🙂 TL;DR– Depending on your current infrastructure, several options are […]

Convenience PIN policy enables Windows Hello for Business enrollment in Windows Security

Windows Hello and Hello for Business are usually mutually exclusive, but the Windows Security application is not aware of this when ‘Turn on convenience PIN sign-in’ is configured.

Hunting for report-only (Microsoft-managed) Conditional Access impacts

Evaluating report-only Conditional Access impact is very straightforward when Entra ID logs are streamed to Log Analytics. Those who can’t have this feature enabled can still use the AADSignInEvents beta table in Defender to find some extra insights.

Entra Workload Identities – Trusted Certificate Authorities (public preview)

In the November 2023 – What’s New in Microsoft Entra Identity & Security w/ Microsoft Security CxE identity episode, a public preview feature of Entra Workload ID premium license was presented (link) which was actually announced on November 9th (link). I really love the idea of restricting application key credentials to a predefined list of […]

Entra Workload Identites passwordLifetime policy vs. Entra ID Application Proxy – Application operation failed

Back in the days, I wrote about the Entra Workload Identities Premium licence and it’s very appealing capabilities (link). One of my favorites was the defaultAppManagementPolicy which can (also) restrict the lifetime of (new) password credentials created for an application. Well, it looks like I was too restrictive which led to the error message in […]

Windows Web sign-in – my notes

I spent ‘some’ time exploring this web sign-in thing and thought to share the results of my research. History Web sign-in is available since Windows 10 1809 (link) as a private preview feature and it was restricted to TAP (temporary access pass) There was a time when Web sign-in was not limited to TAP, so […]

Query Windows Hello for Business registrations and usage

So recently I was planning on requiring authentication stenghts in a Conditional Access policy – more precisely requiring Windows Hello for Business – when I realized that I’m not 100% sure that every user will meet this requirement. I wanted to make sure everybody has WHfB enrollment and that it is actively in use – […]

Conditional Access Gap Analyzer – without Log Analytics Integration

Recently, John Savill* uploaded a video on this very cool feature and I thought to give it a try when I realized I have no Log Analytics integration enabled, so no Workbooks for me 🙁[*big fan of John’s videos, pure gold] This is not fair to those who only use Microsoft 365 products or who […]